
Nisan, 2020 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

ART-Retelling the stories of Famous painters MÇSSHS-(Nalan Demir)

Our students both contributed to the joint story book to retell the stories of famous artists and imitated the portraits, created gifs. One of them (Büşra) also recreated Abidin Dino's Portrait of Happiness with her own brush.

Sport-Online Mancala Tournament MÇSSHS (Nalan Demir)

Our students challenged their peers through online mancala tournament.

New Year Postcard Excahnges (MÇSSHS-Nalan Demir)

Our students exchanged their New Year wishes through postcards. They were over the moon.

Safer Internet Dat at Mareşal Çakmak SSHS (Nalan Demir)

SID at Mareşal Our students informed their peers about digital citizenship, esafety, netiquette, digital games and cyber bullying with their presentations on the SAFER INTERNET DAY.

Dissemination of esafety at Mareşal Çakmak SSHS (Nalan Demir)

http://maresal29.meb.k12.tr/icerikler/okulumuzda-eguvenlik-semineri_9124066.html Our ICT Teacher gave us(teachers) information about password safety, netiquette, cyber bullying etc...

Internet Danger- Everyone Knows Sarah



There are lots of final products on this project but all of them can be found on project’s Twinspace which is open to public. or other resources. With this project, I and my partners contributed to the improvement of school’s practice in language teaching.  We created short story books, e-books, posters, brochures, lots of online outcomes, logo, project clip, project blog, e-cards.   This project created great awareness about cultural similarities and differences and intercultural dialogues.     It enhanced communication in English.   Students produced common products with collaboration.   It increased creativity, individual, pair and group works.   It developed students’ technological skills they acquired hands-on knowledge about the web2 tools. Students showed their language and 21 st   century skills on  European Day of Language, Coding Day, Erasmus Days, World short story day...


We evaluated the project’s learning outcomes and completed the final products of the project.  Web-Tools as teaching aids:  Google Forms, Answergarden, Kahoot  21st century skill: Initiative


Description:  Instead of outdoor activities, we did online sports tournaments such as chess, reversi and mancala.  Web-Tools as teaching aids:   Keamk  21st century skill:  Leadership 


Description:  Tangible, Intangible, Natural Heritages would be introduced to the partners. Legendary figures were introduced to other partners via a common poster. We also wanted our students to play some home games with their families and send us  their videos. We were going to celebrate the English language day on 23 rd  April, we had been working on dramas, dances, poems and songs before the pandemic broke out. I added the video of  the same program I organized previous year.  Web-Tools as teaching aids:   Canva, Google Docs, Google Slide 21st century skill:  Collaboration


Description:  Students were introduced with different web 2 tools to create their common products. They played games, poll and do trivia quizzes at the same time. We also created  common Padlet about Coronavirus. Students suggested their partners what they should do during corona days. I and my students created a clip together online.  Web-Tools as teaching aids:  Padlet, Powtoon, Kahoot, Quizlet, Socrative, Quizizz 21st century skill:  Technology Literacy Links:  https://padlet.com/eylulguldogan/au6bi24lrbay https://www.powtoon.com/online-presentation/f0gN4lfoewn/covid-19/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwJDhUiZJ9c Due to the pandemic called Coronavirus, the schools were closed. Since this project is on international level, we already do or share some of the activities online, we didn’t suffer much. However, I have to adjust the planned activities for the next months with the convenient ones. Not all the...


Description:  Students discussed about some topics on project Forums. I divided students into different topic groups. I assigned all the teachers to different groups to lead the teams with some initial questions. This activity let the students improve their written communication skills. The project partners in the city where I live organized  small debates between partners. Students work hard to improve their speaking skills and pronunciations.   We published the book which consisted of short stories on World Short Story Day, 14th February, 2020. Web-Tools as teaching aids:    Forums, Zoom.  21st century skill:  Social, Communication Links:  https://youtu.be/qa_Gx9kxcL8 https://youtu.be/cfC9MM-yHtU https://youtu.be/3vJQEUsQGJU https://youtu.be/VgI3rmu9Etw https://youtu.be/cLJtWI4Urq0 https://youtu.be/BPVmeTbbFJg


Description:  After discussing the popular genres and the books on project’s forum pages, students wrote 5 short stories collaboratively. The characters and their features were given by the teachers but all the rest were completed by students.   Web-Tools as teaching aids:   Google Docs, Canva, Calameo, Mentimeter   21st century skill:  Productivity and Information Literacy Links: https://www.calameo.com/read/004810105423b816deaed https://www.menti.com/g77is7xepk https://www.menti.com/59b7hh9c97


Description:  We watched films which were recommended by partner school teams.    After the films students took very entertaining quizzes. For cultural exchange we also wrote postcards and letters to celebrate New Year. Apart from real postcards, they also used a webtool to create their digital e-cards. Students were required to share some cultural items such as a coin, a magnet, a flag with their exchanges. I wanted them to touch realia to feel the culture of other countries.  Web-Tools as teaching aids:   Google Docs, Edpuzzle, Kahoot, Youtube, Linoit, Canva, 21st century skill:  Social and productivity Links:  http://linoit.com/users/eylulguldogan/canvases/NEW%20YEAR%20WISHES%20FOR%20MACBETHS https://edpuzzle.com/media/5e3b050167675240c3465497


Description:  I prepared a learning scenario with the resources on Europeana which is an online platform to reflect cultural heritage from European museums, galleries libraries and archives. The aim of this lesson was creating awareness about the changes happening in some professions due to technological developments and industrial reforms. It also aimed to introduce how to use Europeana resources in English language classes. After I implemented this learning scenario in my classes, I gave all the students very amusing and creative tasks. They prepared GIFs from the collections they found on Europeana or they wanted to make GIFs of the famous artists of their countries. They learnt how to get benefit from media. Another task for that month was replicating a very cultural paintings and creating a background story for that painting. All these stories and pictures were collected on an e-book. Students improved their both writing and drawing skills. As a social activity I wanted m...
You can find more information about the project and project activities on our TWINSPACE. https://twinspace.etwinning.net/92403/home


https://www.canva.com/design/DADpXRajmUw/BYuLpe7pOXsoGyJdXNW-3A/view?utm_content=DADpXRajmUw&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton THIS POEAM WAS WRITTEN BY ALL THE PARTNER SCHOOLS' TEACHERS AND STUDENTS. YOU CAN ALSO LISTEN TO SOME VERSES WHICH WERE SUNG BY SOME STUDENTS.