Macbeths in 21st century are very much different from the one who was fictionalized centuries ago. These Macbeths are interested in music, art, films, reading, learning a foreign language, using technology, history, tangible, intangible and natural heritages and doing sports. Macbeths are our students. Each letter in MACBETHS actually stands for an activity or hobby which 21st century’s digital natives are interested in. M for music, A for Art, C for Cult Films, B for book, E for English, T for Technology, H for Heritages which are tangible, intangible and natural heritages and S for Sports. Macbeths project will enable students to develop a world citizen identity, learn about cultural heritages, acquire 21st century skills. This project is inspired by STEM but deals with social sciences. Students’ learning, literacy and life skills will be supported with the activities.
21st Century Skills will be integrated to the project activities under 3 names; 4Cs, IMT and FLIPS. These are;
Learning Skills: (4Cs)
Critical Thinking
Literacy Skills: (IMT)
Life Skills:(FLIPS)
1) To help students to identify, explore, and become aware of both national and European values.
2) To raise students’ awareness of tangible, intangible and natural cultural heritages and their values.
3) To assist students to become aware of the importance of learning English.
4) To develop students’ insight into the similarities and differences among nations.
5) To help students develop 21st century skills, especially critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication and leadership.
6) To assist students in conducting a project based on technology.
7) To facilitate students’ reflections on their learning by creating new products.
8) To motivate learners to read other literary works on their own and to learn about literature genres.
9) To familiarize students with various film types.
10) To motivate students to do sports and outdoor activities.
11) To raise students’ abilities on music and art.
12) To motivate students to discover their talents and highlight them.
Every month students will do an activity on different disciplines or interests and students will be intended to upskill with one or two skills of the 21st century.
SEPTEMBER: Introduction, project announcement, selection of students, logo and poster design
Web-Tools: Poll-everywhere, Padlet, Jigsawplanet, Thinglink
21st century skill: 4Cs
OCTOBER: Music: a common song will be sung together and a video clip will be shot
Web-Tools: Google Docs, Green-box, Youtube
21st century skill: Creativity and flexibility
NOVEMBER: Art: Different artists, musicians, movies
they will send e-cards and postcards to each other to celebrate new year
Web-Tools: Canva, Linoit, Padlet
21st century skill: Creativity and Media Literacy
DECEMBER: Cult: A cult film will be chosen and watched by the students either at the cinema or in the classroom, then students will shoot their short film. The scenes will be written by the students themselves and each act will be shot by different partners. At the end students will combine each parts.
Web-Tools: Google Docs, Youtube
21st century skill: Social and productivity
JANUARY: Book: What kind of books and which writers are popular will be learned through brainstorm on forums. A short story will be read by all the partners and discussed. A few literature text from different cultures will be analyzed. a few stories will be written as a common product,
Web-Tools: Google Forms, Mentimeter
21st century skill: Productivity and Information Literacy, Storybird
Special Day: 14th February World Short Story Day
FEBRUARY: English: small debates between partners.
Web-Tools: Forums, Zoom.
21st century skill: Social, Communication
MARCH: Technology: Students will be introduced to different web 2 tools to create their common products. They will play games, poll and do trivia quizzes at the same time.
Web-Tools: Kahoot, Quizlet, Socrative, Quizizz
21st century skill: Technology Literacy
APRIL: Heritages: Tangible, Intangible, Natural Heritages will be introduced to the partners. Legendary figures will be introduced to other partners a common poster
Web-Tools: Canva
21st century skill: Collaboration
Special Day: 23rd European Language Day or Children Day
MAY: Sport: Different outdoor Activities will be performed.
Web-Tools: Linoit, picktochart
21st century skill: Leadership
Special Day: Etwinning Day
Outdoor Classroom Day
19th May Youth & Sports Fest
JUNE: Evaluation and Final of Project, Applying for Quality Labels
Web-Tools: Answergarden, Kahoot, Quizziz, Twinspace boards
21st century skill: Initiative
A short story, e-book, posters, brochures, newspaper, online outcomes, logo, project clip, project blog, e-cards,
Creating awareness about cultural heritage and its values.
Enhancing communication in English, producing common products with collaboration, increasing creativity, individual, pair and group work, developing technological skills and acquiring hands-on knowledge about the web tools.
Developing an Erasmus+ projects based on the activities on this project.
Celebrating Erasmus Days, Etwinning Days, World Short Story Day, Outdoor Classroom Day, European Language Day to disseminate the project.
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