Mareşal ÇSSHS contributed to codeweek with entertaining coding activities on Bağlantıyı al Facebook X Pinterest E-posta Diğer Uygulamalar - Ekim 15, 2019 Mareşal ÇSSHS contributed to codeweek with entertaining coding activities on Devamı
Europen day of language at zeybekler anatolian high school Bağlantıyı al Facebook X Pinterest E-posta Diğer Uygulamalar - Ekim 08, 2019 Devamı
26th September The European Day of Languages in Maresal CSSHS-Nalan Demir Bağlantıyı al Facebook X Pinterest E-posta Diğer Uygulamalar - Ekim 02, 2019 We celebrated the day through language games on . Additionally the students prepared a bulletin board disseminating the day and displayng diversity of languages to the schoolmates. Devamı